Monday, May 24, 2010

I Ate This

I can't believe that I forgot to mention that I have eaten ham and chicken while being here (I am a proclaimed vegetarian for those who don't know). Just wait before you jump on my case. Last week when we were traveling about the countryside and were in Bayeux where everything seemed to close down by 4 pm, I was on a raid for food. We found this sketchy hole-in-the-wall place where I ordered quiche et frites maison. After ordering, I then realized that I would be in for a surprise for what would actually be inside the quiche (fingers crossed, vegetables s'il-vous-plait). Not. Ham it was!
And I didn't care. At first I ate it, but early-midway through I started picking it out (as you can tell). I wouldn't even eat this back home if given, and I ate it here, just to show how stomach wins over reason. If this photo's not enough proof, Kevin witnessed it all.

Second faux pas: chicken. My only single and complete observation is that I wanted it ok, I wanted it. Yumyumyum.

Eiffel Tower "dinner picnic"! I really don't know what else to call it, but here we are.

After eating, we went up the Tower; view from and shadow of.

Also, I creepily had to take this photo of this Parisian woman the other day. Notice the matching gloves, shoes and kind-of cardigan; particularly the gloves.

1 comment:

  1. I got this really cool postcard from a random person today. : )
